Jayme Fahrer
ASMP Advocate

One rainy day in April of 2009, I noticed a small itch in my throat. I brushed it off, thinking it was just allergies. But over the next couple of days, the symptoms worsened. I developed body aches, a fever, and intense discomfort. When my temperature spiked above 104°F, and I experienced severe leg pain, my mom, who was taking care of me, became alarmed. She tried everything to ease my symptoms, but when I attempted to stand, my legs gave out completely. I collapsed to the floor. At that moment, my mom saved my life by calling 911. 

What followed was a whirlwind of chaos in the emergency room. A team of doctors surrounded me, uncertain of what was wrong. I was given multiple IV antibiotic drips to cover all possibilities while they awaited test results. By the next day, the diagnosis was clear: meningococcal meningitis and sepsis. 

Meningitis changed me forever. My body bears the scars, and I still feel its physical and emotional echoes. But I don’t share my story to seek pity — I share it as a testament to resilience and gratitude. 

I am one of the lucky ones. I can see, hear, walk, taste, smell, and touch. I am here, alive, and thriving. I believe I survived intact for a purpose: to share my story and advocate for meningitis awareness and prevention. 

Meningococcal meningitis is dangerous, deadly, and life-changing. But through this experience, I discovered my strength, my purpose, and my voice. My mission now is to ensure no one else endures what I went through. By raising awareness, I hope to eliminate meningitis so it can no longer cause such profound pain and loss. 


Kristen Aldretti


Judy Miller