Patti Wukovits, BSN, RN, AMB-BC
Co-Executive Director & Board Member

Patti Wukovits is a Registered Nurse and leading advocate for meningitis prevention, serving as Co-Executive Director of the American Society for Meningitis Prevention, and Director of the Kimberly Coffey Foundation. After losing her 17-year-old daughter Kimberly to Meningitis B in 2012, Patti formed the Foundation in her daughter’s name to improve awareness of meningococcal meningitis and the vaccines available to help prevent it. Through her Foundation, and most recently through the American Society for Meningitis Prevention, she has educated thousands of healthcare providers, policymakers, school administrators, and students around the world, and led critical policy changes – including the passing of New York State’s meningococcal meningitis vaccination law in 2016. Patti also currently serves on the policy and advocacy committee of the New York State Public Health Association. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Chamberlain University.